5. Always turn the lights of when you leave a room
This is common sense people. In fact don't use lights at all. What do we need lights for? nothing we have the sun. Instead of hurting yourself at night do it in the afternoon when the sun is out.
4. Dont Waste Water
Long showers are for conformists. You think you would catch someone great like Pete Wentz having a long shower? No because he actually cares unlike most people.
3. Recycle!!!!!
GOD PEOPLE THIS ONE MAKES ME SO SICK!!! There are recycling bins every freakin where! Recycle everything you can all the time!!
2. Driving is for sleazy capitalists
Unless you enjoy supporting the sleazy capitalists in the whitehouse then just dont drive, dont even leave your house. This is our form of protest!
1. Walmart, dont get involved
All the shit and mass consumption you people are doing is causing more pollution then anything. Walmart hates the world and it hates you and me so dont buy into their lies.
This world is going to shit people, we either all go kill ourselves or start pulling our weight man.
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