Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Top Ten Most Important People In Music of ALL TIME

These are what I think are the most important people in music in my life and all of the music scene of the modern day. They have gotten me from some of the most tough times in my life. I don't know if I would have gotten through all of the troubles in my life without their musics.

1. Pete Wetnz (Fall Out Boy)

2. Brendon Urie (Panic at the Disco!)

3. Bert McCracken (The Used)

4. Davey Havok (AFI)

5. Tyson Ritter (All-American Rejects)

6. Dallas Green (City and Colour)

7. Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)

8. Chris Carrabba (Dashboard Confessional)

9. Tom Higgenson (Plain White Tees)

10. Shane Told  (Silverstein)


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

How can you say these are the most important people in music.

Emo is just a fad and when it dies out i'll laugh.

All of these people you put up there because you thought they are good looking and are from all the most popular emo bands

Anonymous said...

this seriously has to be a joke. I hope you are 12 and have a vagina because this is silly. Go do your pre-algebra homework.

Anonymous said...

great list

Anonymous said...

list is so good it makes me want to cry stars.

brad.. said...


Anonymous said...


sonofnothing said...

this must be the worst thing i've ever seen.
get a grip, pop punk fucking sucks.

Anonymous said...

Great list, those guys rock(especially Tyson) :D

Coolwhip said...

Wow, you clearly have no real point of reference for good/important music. All time? Really? No Vivaldi? No Hendrix? All time right? Clapton, Miles Davis, Sinatra? Elvis? This is the most absurd all time list I've ever seen. I have an all time list. Here look; Number 1 all time retarded music list... drum role please... YOU'RE A WINNER YES SIR! Step up and get your dunce cap. By the way, you're like 12, how tough could the times have been? Daddy ground you when he caught you wearing eye-liner? You had to shower in the locker room after gym? Mom restricted MTV?

Unknown said...

you're leaving out a shitload of ppl
ozzy osborne
billie joe armstrong
james hetfeild
jimi hendrix
chuck berry
angus young
stephen tyler
mike shinoda
dan fogelberg
jeff buckley
the guys from santana who's names i forget
and that is just to name several

Anonymous said...

ALL TIME! WTH! Freddy mercury? KURT FUCKING COBAIN!? john paul jones, jimmy page,and robert plant?

wait wait ALL TIIME!
All those other people
who did so much in music and
you come up with that bull shit
list! yeah i like there music but ALL

jesus christ give this
kid a fucking led zepplin cd


you just pissed me off bitch

Jessie said...

Okay, I disagree with a majority of this list. Pete Wentz? What did he ever do? He attempted suicide, but as far as I can see he's skating along through life now, using attention as oxygen.
Brendon? No. Kids get rejected by their parents every day and they still pursue their dreams. There's nothing special about him, I hate to break it to you.
Bert? Maybe. I don't know much about him.
Gerard? Yes. Definitely.
But really, I think the rest of it's a bit of a stretch. There are so many good people you could have added if you didn't stay biased to one category of good-looking frontmen in pop/alternative/rock bands.

Anonymous said...

This is truly one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. You listed assholes from Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco, probably 1 and 2 in the WORST bands out there right now. You can go listen to more tracks like "Stabby Rip Stab Stab" and wish your lawn was emo like you so it would cut itself, or you could grow a pair and listen to stuff like Metallica, Nirvana, and Led Zeppelin. I'm thoroughly DISGUSTED that you associated Dallas Green with some of the other tripe on that list. You might hate your father kid, but it doesn't mean you need to give up on life...fuck.

Anonymous said...

This list has made the angels cry, Mardoc will send you to the salt mines for this

Anonymous said...

Wow, a list of whiny fags who need to learn how to cut better. Hell, no.9 was the only one who looked halfway normal.

Anonymous said...

POSIDEN WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US!!!! Zeus damn you by the gods!!!!! and mardoc have pitty on you while you work in the salt mines for all eternity with no hands as he beats you with flip flops and puts salt that you harvest on your wounds while blasting slayer


Anonymous said...

this is the story of your life go sit in a corner and cry while you cut yourself

Anonymous said...

i actually like my chemical romance and the used but this list is repulsive. dashboard confessional is shit, AA Rejects? Is that some kind of joke?

you're killing dreams.

ps. i bet you can't even name 10 AFI songs.

taita said...

Your Such an emo fag.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha What a sad little list. And it got worse as I scrolled down. You didn't even have the sense to put in Connor Obst or Jesse Lacey although you are probably about 15 and will never listen to anything other the 3rd album of any half-way decent band.

AFI and MCR are truly awful now and Panic at the Disco are one of the worst bands ever. This list should have been called "Musicians I jerk off to"

Tehnubzor said...

That's a silly-ass picture of him, but Dallas Green from City & Colour and Alexisonfire is indeed one of the better songwriters/vocalists out there at the moment, I feel. I too am disgusted that he even showed up in this list, when he far surpasses all of them in every way, save superficial, stereotypical appearances.

Anonymous said...

This is list has like one influential singer at any point in time being dallas green from Alexisonfire and city and colour. Everyone else has made no impact on music what so ever.

Unknown said...

Holy shit i cant believe that so many people felt it necessary to comment on this and say how much they dislike the list or make some bullshit insult towards whoever posted it. I mean seriously does it make people feel tough to insult someones opinion? Granted that saying all time is bit of an overstatement, but who cares? Every artist in it is good in there own genre. I personally love Dallas Green and AFI. Panic at the Disco! and Silverstein are pretty good to. I'm glad that they could help you through any tough times and i hope that they continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think this is a great list, it's not who'd I put in my top 12 but music inspires everyone differently.

James said...

hahaha, this is redicolous!

Only person in list who is an actuall music icon is Dallas Green. End Of. Grow Up>

druid_lol said...

godamn.. FUCK YOU, fuckin bitch..