Monday, May 19, 2008


Hey guys, I've been wanting to address a subject for awhile now. Lately, I have been hesitant to express myself because in a way I didn't want to believe it myself. Well, since as long as I could remember I've "liked" girls. I would get crushes just like all the other boys but I guess I was just never as interested in them as some of my peers. Recently however I've been wondering if I just had an interest in females because society implanted that into my brain when I was young. You know, like its the social norm or some shit? My parents always tried to get me to do manly things because I liked to play with my sister's barbies and occasionally wanted to wear a dress. Anyway, this has all left me pretty confused and I'm not entirely sure as to why I'm revealing this, but I've had too much on my chest recently and I need to unload some steam. I think I am attracted to a teammate. Sure, I have slept around with the cheerleaders. I don't have trouble getting with the ladies but it just never felt right. What it comes down to is, what do you guys think, should I keep questioning my feelings and exploring or is it better to avoid the hassle and the shame and bury these ideas deep down? I really need advice. I don't even know if I like boys, maybe I'm bisexual. I just don't know. Anyway, I know this article has been confusing but its just like my heart right now, so please understand. Thank you Internet Realm, without you I would be dead. <3

-Speed is Pain. Twist the Knife.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yo guy, i'm gay, and i have never been happier in my life. go for it man!

Anonymous said...

yo dude, you should move to San Francisco. It's great for gays here. Everyone is really accepting and kind. Gay 4 eva!

Anonymous said...

yo man go gay. it's the best

Anonymous said...

gay ftw dood