Thursday, May 15, 2008

I hate everything.

Oh my god. I hate the world sooooo much. Everything sucks. It's like, life sucks, and the you die.  Life is pain. Especially when you have the the troubles in your life like I have. Like my parents, right, they like don't like the music I listen to, so whenever I am playing it, they come up and yell at me to turn it down. How lame is that? I hate them so much. I wish they would just leave me alone forever.


Jessie said...

You hate everything because your parents have a volume limit? Get some fucking headphones, hm.
In fact, my dad abuses me, my stepmom is the equivalent of Severus Snape, and my mother is clinically insane.
I've been teased endlessly by spoiled brats for years before finally escaping, only to realize I have to face them again next year.
I think about suicide every fucking day, and MCR seems further away every time.
That's only the half of it. And yet I still don't whine about it ^_^

emo said...

listen buddy, its plenty sunny out side, so quit wearing black eye liner, wear some clothes that aren't black and put a smile on your dial because it isn't the end of the world you tragic, tragic bastard.

Michelle Doroin said...

you're lack of realization.
if you have just known what the beauty the world could give
but it's not too late.
change. read bible,
it will change your life more than your expectation.
search for Ely Soriano. google or in youtube. honey, i wish you'll have a fruitful life before leaving this,as you describe, sucking world. but it really is not. i wish you a prosperous life. hoping you'll have a chance to read this.
believe in God.