Saturday, May 17, 2008


I just received this comment on one of our previous posts/

"Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh fuck man this baby is so fucking hot, I would ride that until my balls were blue, Can you send me some more pics? I'll send my email privately to you guys. Thanks man, this shit is so sweet.

May 17, 2008 9:11 PM"

What the fuck is this shit!?!?! Like Jesus Christ what the fuck is up with this world!!?! What am I suppose to do when some fuck wants to get off to pictures of fucked up babies??? What sort of conservative mindset is this! This comment is probably from one of those baby fuckers. Why does the government allow these people to walk around freely? These people are the real fucking terrorists! Lets pull the troops out of Iraq and clean up this shit hole country first. How can I ever have kids in this fucked up world? What will the future be like with these sex bandits on the run?!?

Seriously some people have such trubblz i think they should just go off into the desert and die.

1 comment:

emo said...

listen buddy, look up conservative in the dictionary, actually go to school, because what you said didn't make any sense. I'm sure that who ever posted that comment was tryin to have a laugh, so laugh buddy, look on the bright side of life. happy, happy, I am so happy today.